Raw food, vegetable and fruit juices should be consumed for general health and well being.
Fruit juices are more effective than medicines on the kidney. Juice therapy is an efficacious cure for the ailments of the liver and the kidney. Cherry juice bestows marvellous benefits in the case of gout and arthritis.
A diet containing vegetable and fruit juices and raw food has been proved a successful experiment for preventing aging and for the rejuvenation of the body. There is no alternative to juice therapy for the rapid replacement of red corpuscles and cells in the human body.
The treatment given through vegetables and fruit juices is harmless, reliable and without any side effects.
Sugar and other substances contained in them are easily digestable and after their quick absorption in the blood, begin the work of the reconstruction.
Carrot juice, apple juice and lemon juice each is mixed with other juice, the result is a tasty juice. This method can be adopted when several unpalatable vegetable juices have to be consumed.
It is not advisable to take fruit and vegetable juices together at the same time. It is advisable to keep a gap of 3-4 hrs between the 2 types of juices. Fruit Juices should be taken in the first half of the day and vegetable juices should be taken in the afternoon or in the evening.
Prevention of a disease is better than it's cure
Children and young persons cannot get nutritious substances necessary for their body because of their improper diet and bad food habits. Owing to their undesirable habits and likings for food, the blood corpuscles and the tissue cells are destroyed instead of being reconstructed. If we want to save them from further deterioration, they should be persuaded to form the habit of taking juice diet.
A comparison between fruit juices and vegetables
Fruits cannot supply all the elements necessary for a human body. Of course, fruits are comparatively very tasty and delicious and to extract juice from them is easy.
We should make the balanced use of both the fruits and vegetables for health and cure of disease. Both fruits and vegetables should be considered equally beneficial to mankind. Yet it may be added that a physically fit abd healthy person may rely solely on fruits but the sick, the old and children should invariably take vegetable-juices with fruit juices.
Fruit juices do the work of purifying blood. Fruits or fruit juices increase the quantity of urine through which all toxic elements of the body are thrown out. On the other hand, raw vegetables and their juices do the work of reconstruction in the body. Vegetable-juices produces new cells in place of those that have been destroyed owing to a disease.
As most of dieticians are opposed to mixing fruit juices with vegetable juices, it is desirable to take them separately at different times of the day. As fruit juices are diuretic, they should not be taken in the evening or at night. The best time for taking fruit juices is the first half of the day, but vegetable juices can be taken at any time of the day.
In short, the regular consumption of fruits, vegetables and their juices improve general health.
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